
Showing posts from November, 2022

Round One 2022-23 Kindergarten Placement Analysis

This blog post is an analysis of placements for 2022-23 kindergarteners through the Intentional Integration Initiative in the South Orange-Maplewood School District.  This analysis includes dimensions that Michael Alves did not cover in the Year 1 Recap Report , such as how the III impacted each neighborhood and school. I was able to get the distances for the 423 first-round 2022-23 kindergarten students, from May 2022, from Greg Mortenson , who was able to get this data through the discovery process of his case.  The SOMSD rejected two OPRA requests I made for this data, but they evidently decided they did not have grounds to reject a request made in a lawsuit because they provided the data, in PDF format, to Mr. Mortenson.   My data is not 100% complete for three reasons: It only contains Round 1 students, so it doesn't have assignment data for later registrants. Every school has some reserved seats and I do not know the final disposition of those seats. It include...